Le fabuleux Maurice et ses rongeurs savants

Langue : French

Publié 29 septembre 2008

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5 étoiles (1 critique)

5 éditions

Review of 'The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents' on 'Goodreads'

5 étoiles

Maurice is a talking cat that has his own group of rats following him, as well as a boy. Together they get rich by pretending to save towns from rats. But their last job goes very wrong. There's something else in the shadows of their new town...

I listened to the new Audible version that isn't available in Goodreads yet. I wasn't expecting the book to be scary, but it is made for Halloween! Peter Seratinowicz does a very good narration job (the rat king whispers are scary good, but not good in noisy transports - be warned!). A brilliant story about stories. The short note from Rob Wilkins at the end is also worth it.