To Kill a Mockingbird

Mass Market Paperback, 281 pages

Langue : English

Publié 13 août 1982 par Warner Books.

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5 étoiles (4 critiques)

The unforgettable novel of a childhood in a sleepy Southern town and the crisis of conscience that rocked it, To Kill A Mockingbird became both an instant bestseller and a critical success when it was first published in 1960. It went on to win the Pulitzer Prize in 1961 and was later made into an Academy Award-winning film, also a classic.

Compassionate, dramatic, and deeply moving, To Kill A Mockingbird takes readers to the roots of human behavior - to innocence and experience, kindness and cruelty, love and hatred, humor and pathos. Now with over 18 million copies in print and translated into forty languages, this regional story by a young Alabama woman claims universal appeal. Harper Lee always considered her book to be a simple love story. Today it is regarded as a masterpiece of American literature. (back cover)

102 éditions

a publié une critique de To Kill a Mockingbird par Harper Lee

Bestelako liburua

4 étoiles

Orain arte irakurri ditudan liburuekin alderatuta oso ezberdina da hau. Horregatik dezente kostatu zitzaidan erritmoa eta gustua hartzea, 100. orrira arte edo ez nuelako jakin zer kontatu nahi zidan... eta gero ere, antzeko jarraitu du.

Bestelako liburua da, ume baten ikuspegitik dagoelako kontatua. Eta umeek emozioez gidatzen dute beren burua, ez justiziaz, ez gizalegez. Eta horrexegatik kontatzen du egunerokoa, detaile txikienari ere garrantzia emanda; eta, guzti horren artean, helduoi garrantzitsuagoak iruditzen zaizkigunak aipatzen ditu: justizia, arrazakeria, epaiketak, hilketak... baina beti eragiten dizkion emozioetatik abiatuta. Horregatik da bestelakoa liburua hau, eta, azkenean, liburuak horixe kontatu nahi zidala ondorioztatu dut: umetasuna.


  • Fathers and daughters -- Fiction
  • Race relations -- Fiction
  • Trials (Rape) -- Fiction
  • Girls -- Fiction
  • Southern States -- Fiction