Hea uus ilm

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Aldous Huxley: Hea uus ilm (Estonian language, 2008, Tänapäev)

Hardcover, 237 pages

Langue : Estonian

Publié 8 novembre 2008 par Tänapäev.

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3 étoiles (6 critiques)

Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) romaan "Hea uus ilm" on XX sajandi ühe fantaasiarikkaima kirjaniku tulevikunägemus totalitaarsest olmeparadiisist. Romaani sündmustik leiab aset utoopilises riigis, kus eesmärgiks on inimeste õnn. Õnne säilitamise huvides loobutakse kõigest, mis sünnitaks sügavamaid mõtteid või tundeid ning ohustaks seeläbi riigi stabiilsust ning seega samastub õnnelik olemine selles riigis vabaduse täieliku puudumisega.

113 éditions

A bit too "on-the-nose"

3 étoiles

I guess it might be the point of the book, but I couldn't feel that any character was real, everything felt stereotypical; while at the same time that "prediction" of the future does not seem plausible to me.

And I repeat, it might be the point of the book, so, if that is the case, then great job. I just did not enjoy it or gained any interesting insight.

Une marmite de réflexions sociétales

4 étoiles

Je vous propose de faire un bon de 600 ans dans le temps et d'atterrir dans le monde "moderne". Un monde ou la famille n'existe plus, où les bébés naissent dans des éprouvettes, voient leur adn modifié en fonction de leur future caste sociale et où les pensées des enfants sont conditionnés pendant leur sommeil. Ici la sexualité est débridée, la monogamie a disparu et chaque problème est résolu par une dose de Soma (comprimé antidepressif). Dans ce nouveau monde, une réserve de sauvage existe, remplie d'hommes et de femmes qui vivent comme vous et moi et qui, voués à eux-mêmes, meurent de faim.

On rencontre notamment Lénina, une citoyenne parfaite du nouveau monde, mais aussi Bernard, un alpha qui se sent à part et qui se questionne sur la société et Jon, un sauvage qui ressemble aux humains d'aujourd'hui.

L'écriture de ce livre est pointue et ennuyante mais les …

Another Authoritarianism dystopian classic. A difficult read however.

3 étoiles

Read this immediately afte reading the Orwell classic, 1984. I admit, I struggled reading this book. The method of story telling, with the switching of character perspective was difficult to follow. The idea of the book became far more clearer as the book progressed and became clear especially towards the end.

However the ideas presented in the book and their demonstration was thought provoking.

Review of 'Brave New World' on 'Goodreads'

4 étoiles

There is much to be learned from reading this book and it is easy to forget that it was written early in the last century, not this one. Sadly, the warnings Huxley offers about what society was becoming were largely ignored and we've come to a society that so closely mirrors his "civilization" that it could have been a metaphor about our current state of affairs written by a contemporary author.

It is a very short novel but full of warnings and lessons that are as applicable, or even more so, today as they were in 1930. It is a lesson in mass manipulation by the media and big pharma. It is a lesson in treating people ultimately as mere resource rather than persons. And it is a lesson in extremes, extreme pain v. extreme pleasure and the wrongheadedness in submitting to either.

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l’a noté

4 étoiles